Industry News

ALC announces departure of CEO

The Australian Logistics Council (ALC) has confirmed the shock departure of CEO Brad Williams.

In a surprise announcement, Williams has vacated the role less than 12 months after being appointed in August, 2021.

The ALC has announced Wayfinder co-founder Dr Hermione Parsons as the new CEO.

ALC Chair, Philip Davies welcomed the appointment and said Dr Parsons brings a wealth of knowledge and real-world experience across the end to end supply chain.

Her career involvement to date includes the food industry, ports, economic issues, policy and research.

“The ALC Board is excited to have appointed Dr Parsons to this key leadership role and we are all looking forward to working closely with her, as we continue to advocate for a stronger supply chain and support our members,” said Davies.

Parsons has held executive leadership, research and public policy roles at a number of leading Australian institutions including serving as the director of a centre for supply chain and logistics and at two Universities.

Wayfinder, an initiative focused on increasing female participation and diversity in the supply chain workforce, was launched by Deakin University in 2018.

“Never before has the supply chain been front and centre in the public debate and awareness around the freight and logistics sector to the national economy,” said Davies.

“This is an important time for the sector, we believe that Dr Parson’s insight, knowledge and experience, combined with our members spanning the supply chain will build on ALC’s work to shape safer, more efficient and sustainable supply chains,” he said as part of a media statement.

On behalf of the ALC Board, Davies extended thanks to outgoing CEO, Brad Williams, who is bound for the public sector, for his leadership and hard work.

“Brad leaves the ALC with a strong and focused team, as well as a solid platform and strategy for membership growth,” said Davies.

“We wish Brad all the best as he moves to take up a senior role in the public sector and we thank him for his leadership and contribution to the organisation and the broader industry.”

The ALC Board and staff, according to the statement, remain focused on our national policy priorities and continuing to build momentum with government, industry and policy makers to affect positive change for the freight and logistics sector.

Incoming ALC CEO Dr Hermione Parsons with outgoing CEO Brad Williams.
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