Industry News

All the functionality, plus unmatched flexibility: SCF

With the ability to swap out skel and container combinations in just minutes, SCF intermodal solutions can transform your fleet’s flexibility.

In the transportation industry, freight profiles are always evolving. Cargo types and sizes, shipping volumes, key routes and client needs can all change in a heartbeat. And being caught short with the wrong equipment for the job can cost time, money and missed opportunities.

A truly flexible fleet won’t only help your business keep up – it can also help it grow significantly. With SCF intermodal containers, you can transform your fleet into a more flexible, efficient and cost-effective operation. Here’s how.

Get the functionality you love, plus the flexibility you need

Intermodal containers share the same great features and functionality as traditional trailers.

SCF’s intermodal range has been purpose-designed specifically for Australian transport. They fit two Australian standard pallets side by side and come with optional mezzanine decks and vertical load bars for even more storage.

Here are just a few more features you can expect from some of SCF’s most popular intermodal containers:

SCF’s Tautliner Container

Designed for both palletised and irregular freight profiles
Easily accessible by just one person from both sides
Optional single operator mezzanine systems
Load binder winches
Lashing points for restraint
The latest curtain technology to improve performance and reduce repairs and maintenance

SCF’s Refrigerated Containers

Fitted with superior temperature control
Operate with reduced machinery run time – helping keep down fuel consumptions and expenses
Come with TK or Carrier diesel machinery
On-board fuel tanks
Internal lighting
Air flow or flat floors
Cost as much as 25 per cent less than refrigerated trailers

SCF’s End Door Containers

With vertical load bars to double-stack pallets
Reinforced floors for frequent loading
F-track and restraint points
Customisable branding available

Change between skel/container combinations in just minutes

With intermodal containers, great features are only part of the story. You also get a whole new level of flexibility and speed, with the unique ability to swap out skel and container combos in as little as five to 10 minutes.

This means with just one skel, you could service a cold goods client one day and a steel client the next – simply by swapping out a refrigerated container for a curtainsider.

With both end-door and side-door options available, there’s a skel and container combination to suit every freight type and customer requirement.

Get just what you need, when you need it

The ability to swap out containers doesn’t only let you keep up with changing freight profiles and evolving client needs. It also cuts down the amount of unused skels sitting idle in the depot, putting them to work and bringing in the maximum amount of revenue.

With SCF’s high availability for purchase, long or short-term hire, you have the ability to access exactly the containers you need for the job at hand. Then when the job’s done, SCF can also take them back off your hands. That means no more spare equipment taking up valuable space at the depot.

Lower wait times for new build equipment

In an industry as fast-paced as freight, businesses can’t afford to spend any time waiting on the equipment they need. New-build intermodal containers can be turned around in just three to six months from order to delivery. So, you can depend on being able to access the new containers you need, with a clear and consistent timeline.

Access greater availability through SCF’s nationwide footprint

If three to six months is still too long to wait, SCF has you covered. The company is dedicated to keeping its stock levels high – 16,000 containers and counting – to keep up maximum availability for hire.

SCF’s depots are conveniently located all across Australia. So, you can hire just what you need, when you need it. And keep your equipment where it belongs; out on the road, instead of in the workshop waiting to be repaired.

Find the flexibility your fleet needs, with SCF intermodal containers

Talk to SCF about enhancing your fleet’s flexibility, and putting your business on the fast-track to new growth.

The post All the functionality, plus unmatched flexibility: SCF appeared first on Trailer Magazine.

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