Industry News

Alpine police blitz in Victoria targets heavy vehicles

Buses and trucks were the major focus of a police blitz last month on the alpine roads of Victoria.

Operation Eastern Snow saw Victoria Police working alongside Safe Transport Victoria to intercept vehicles at designated checkpoints and conduct safety compliance checks.

Almost 20 per cent of offences detected were issued to heavy vehicles, with police citing false and misleading log book entries, overloaded vehicles and failing to secure loads making up the majority of penalties.

Police also detected 247 speeding offences, with the majority of these issued to drivers speeding between 10km/h and 25km/h over the speed limit.

There were two drug driving offences detected from 148 roadside drug tests and pleasingly, no drink driving offences were detected from 1149 preliminary breath tests.

The total 523 offences detected during Operation Eastern Snow in July included:

• 247 speeding offences

• 101 heavy vehicle offences

• 45 unregistered vehicles

• 45 defect notices

• 11 disqualified/suspended and unlicenced drivers

• 8 seatbelt offences

• 2 drug driving offences from 148 roadside drug tests

• 2 mobile phone offences

Victoria Police said Operation Eastern Snow will continue throughout August and have a major presence on roads heading to and from Victorian snowfields.


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