Industry News

Army-built temporary bridge over Ollera Creek to exclude trucks

The army is to build a temporary single-lane bridge over Ollera Creek but it won’t be able to accommodate trucks, the federal government announced today.

Part of the Ollera Creek Bridge, connecting Townsville and Ingham, fell into floodwater on Sunday afternoon after more than 1400 millimetres of rain fell in the area over the weekend.

The Australian Defence Force (ADF) said it is working with the Queensland authorities to work out how to safely deliver a temporary bridge structure in what continue to be challenging conditions.

“If feasible, the temporary bridge will be a single lane structure that will allow vehicle access,” said a media statement today.

“This will help first responders, and flood relief workers travel and continue supporting our communities. The temporary bridge will allow some resupply efforts but will not support heavy vehicles, and governments are continuing to work together to identify solutions.”

No timeline on when the bridge will be built has been given.

Meanwhile, Queensland Trucking Association CEO Gary Mahon said he will be “strongly advocating” for a solution for heavy vehicles.

“Sooner rather than later to ensure that freight deliveries can be undertaken safely and efficiently into Far North Queensland,” Mahon said.

Mahon said the QTA will also be pushing for improvements to communication on road closures or impending road closure and openings so fleets can more effectively and efficienlty schedule loads.

“Until a remedy for heavy vehicles is constructed at Ollera Creek, access to areas such as Innisfail and Ingham will need to be via the Gregory Development Road which is currently cut in various places,” Mahon added.

“We are optimistic of it re-opening in the next short while. This will be a detour of approximately 400km.”

In an industry bulletin earlier today, Mahon passed on the QTA’s appreciation of the efforts of industry to keep the freight moving when access permits under such trying circumstances.

“Most of all, we would like to express our thanks to all the truck drivers who may be stuck in flooded areas and driving extra distances to deliver freight,” Mahon said.

“Without them, critical supplies could not be delivered into communities for the ADF and other emergency service agencies to distribute.

“The essential role that truck drivers have in emergency events is often overlooked by government. We want to make sure that they are formally acknowledged and appreciated for the role they perform and the conditions they are enduring to do their job.”

The QTA’s bulletin also warned that the Macrossan Bridge connecting Charters Towers to Townsville may be flooded again overnight.

“Please prepare your drivers and scheduling in the event this does occur.”


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