Industry News

ARTSA-i releases Q4 2024 heavy vehicle market report

Although new heavy vehicle registrations have experienced a slight drop in the last year, they remain strong as demonstrated in ARTSA-i’s latest report.

After three years of considerable growth, total new heavy vehicle registrations saw a small reversal of -0.6 per cent in 2024 compared with the 2023 calendar year.

Heavy rigids recorded three per cent growth whereas all other categories of medium rigid, prime movers and trailers recorded small negative percentage results of around two to five per cent for the calendar year compared with the previous year.

ARTSA-i’s report also shows that the total annual new registrations across these four heavy vehicle categories have grown by close to 50 per cent since the 2020 year.

ARTSA-i Executive Director, Rob Perkins, is optimistic about the results which follow a “huge year on year run” over the last four years.

“To have a small 0.6 per cent drop in 2024 compared to the previous record year for new registrations should be taken in context,” he said.

“It is still the second highest new vehicle registration figure since ARTSA-i commenced collating this data in 2014.”

In other news, Riordan Grain and GeelongPort have entered a new agreement.

The post ARTSA-i releases Q4 2024 heavy vehicle market report appeared first on Trailer Magazine.

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