Industry News

Aussie Hay Runners step up to help emergency wildlife shelter

Aussie Hay Runners are busy gearing up for their big Australia Day run to South Australia, which will involve 35 trucks travelling a total of 140,000km to transport 1,190 bales of donated hay to help farmers and their communities. 

In the meantime, however, they are continuing with their “little runs” – like a recent trip to help out the Dutch Thunder Wildlife Shelter in Koonoomoo, Victoria.  

Dutch Thunder is a 24-hour emergency wildlife rescue service and licensed wildlife shelter, which cares for birds and animals like kangaroos, koalas, sugar and squirrel gliders, ducks and cockatoos.  

Aussie Hay Runners recently teamed up with Ian from Bootzey’s Ag and Hay Sales to help out the shelter with two baron packs – 14 square bales bundled into one large bale using twine. 

“This hay was baled just two weeks ago and was phenomenal clover and ryegrass hay,” Aussie Hay Runners said in an update.  

“Thank you, Ian, and Dutch Thunder Wildlife Shelter – keep up the great work.”  

Aussie Hay Runners’ upcoming Australia Day run will focus on the areas from Robertstown to Peterborough and beyond.

AHR founder Linda Widdup said: “Our Aussie farmers are the ones putting food on our tables and clothes on our backs and anything we can do to help in times of drought, we will.

“In these horrendous times, it’s really important that the hay we take is top quality, the highest nutritional value.

“We’ll be taking both oaten and wheaten hay, that’s being baled for us right now.”

Visit the Aussie Hay Runners Facebook page for more information on how to donate to the cause. 


The post Aussie Hay Runners step up to help emergency wildlife shelter appeared first on Big Rigs.

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