Transport and Main Roads Queensland has advised transport operators that class 1 heavy vehicles greater than 4.5m and up to 10m in width are permitted to use the cross-over facility on the Warrego Highway at the Bremer River Bridge, as long as they are compliant with conditions of travel.
Eligible vehicles can access the cross-over provided a copy of the approved temporary variation letter is used in conjunction with your current permit.
You must hold a current permit for the approved route via Cunninghams Gap, or a previously approved permit through the Warrego highway over the westbound Bremer River Bridge, or a Queensland ‘All State Controlled Roads’ network permit.
If you do not have a current permit, you can apply through the NHVR Portal for access for the crossover.
The approved alternative route via Cunningham’s Gap. Image: NHVROperators must cross the centreline of the Bremer Bridge (eastbound) at 10km/hour with no other heavy vehicles, and operational hours for the Bremer contraflow are between 11pm and 4am.
In order to use the contraflow route you must meet the dimension/mass requirements outlined in the temporary variation letter and “scope the route prior to travel”.
You must also adhere to escorting conditions applied for critical roads (Warrego Highway is considered a ‘critical road’) and have a confirmed QPS booking for police escorts.
“OSOM combinations that arrive on site without the appropriate police booking or are not meeting the requirements for the crossover will incur considerable delays and may not be approved to utilise the crossover,” the NHVR said.
Operators are required to park up at the Dinmore Truck Pads (westbound) and contact the nominated driver contact BMTMC on 1800 356 664 for further direction. You should ensure you have a copy of the Bremer crossover automated operating procedure.
Class 1 overmass vehicles exceeding 42.5 tonnes are still restricted from travelling over the Bremer River Bridge in the westbound lanes of the Warrego Highway at Karalee.
To view the automated operating procedure at Bremer cross over, see here.
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