Industry News

Convoy supports Closing Loopholes Bill

This Black Friday weekend will see advocates for change in the transport industry take to the road as part of an organised truck convoy across the nation.

On 25 November these supporters of reform will join national trucking convoys in Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Darwin, Sydney and Canberra.

This follows calls for change after a surge of road fatalities and a five-year high of transport business insolvencies.

The convoy aims to pressure the Federal Government in passing the Closing the Loopholes Bill which will, according to the Transport Workers’ Union (TWU), establish fair, safe and sustainable standards in transport.

Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) statistics show that from January to October 2023, 355 transport businesses have become insolvent. There has also been a surge in truck crash fatalities, with 202 people losing their lives on Australian roads this year.

Shadow Minister for Industrial Relations, Michaelia Cash, recently actioned a motion to force a three-month delay to the vote on the Closing the Loopholes Bill.

The three-month delay will increase the pressures on transport workers. Analysis of Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data by the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) found that the three-month delay of the bill would see gig workers lose up to $110 million in pay.

NatRoad CEO, Warren Clark, said: “Transport is an essential industry but is at breaking point. We are seeing more and more transport businesses close-up shop because they can’t sustain their costs in this environment. We need broad and meaningful change to make transport more viable. This legislation has our support along with countless others spanning the entire industry.”

NRFA Vice President, Glyn Castanelli, said: “This reform is urgent … We urgently need standards to support cost recovery and safe working conditions. We’re all on board for this legislative lifeline. It’s time to get this done.”

TWU said the mass support for the bill has revealed the united front and shared values of the members in the transport industry.

The Closing Loopholes Bill introduced to Parliament earlier this year will see the Australian Government set minimum pay for transport operators which is expected to ensure a safer, more sustainable and viable industry.

The post Convoy supports Closing Loopholes Bill appeared first on Trailer Magazine.

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