Industry News

Dangerous driving caught on dashcam: ‘You can’t fix stupid’

NSW truckie Mike Williams, host of the popular On The Road Podcast, has shared yet another example of a motorist risking their life in order to pass a truck.

Williams, who shared the below clip on his Twitter account, was left shaking his head in disbelief.

Why do people get killed and injured on the road? Here’s one reason. Impatient stupid driving. Blind constant radius corner. Could not possibly be able to see.

— Mike Williams (Oz) (@theoztrucker) October 25, 2022

“I know we see this every day. I’m not the only one. But I have to wonder what it is that causes people to take stupid risks like this,” said Williams.

“I’d just turned left on the Calder Highway at Marong heading toward Swan Hill only a minute before and was getting up to speed.

“The double lines are clearly marked. It’s a constant radius corner. I couldn’t even see if the way ahead was clear so  this dill in the car would have had no hope. I simply couldn’t believe anyone would take a risk like that. 

“As they say you can medicate pain, you can educate the willing but you can’t fix stupid. Well…. I suppose you can but I believe it’s illegal in most countries!”

You can contact Williams via @theoztrucker on twitter, On The Road Podcast (@otrpodcastaus) on Facebook or email him here


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