Industry News

Driver travelled with shredded tyre for 80km despite concerns from public

The NHVR has shared a photo of a truck that travelled with a shredded tyre for another 80km after a concerned member of the public pointed out the issue to the driver.

The person who spotted the tyre defect spoke with the driver while they were stopped along the Hume Highway.

The member of the public then noticed that the truck, which was a car carrier, was still travelling another 80km down the road without the problem being fixed.

They reported the driver to the NHVR and the vehicle was later intercepted at Marulan Heavy Vehicle Safety Station.

The truck was found to have a completely shredded tyre and two other tyres with insufficient tread and carcass issues.

The team at the safety station issued the driver with several notices requiring the three tyres to be replaced.

The NHVR said in a statement: “We remind you to check your vehicle for defects daily and act immediately on safety issues.

“If you feel pressured to drive a defective vehicle, please contact the Heavy Vehicle Confidential Reporting Line on 1800 931 785.”


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