Industry News

Feedback sought on heavy vehicle access issues in NSW

Transport for NSW (TfNSW) is seeking feedback on its draft NSW Heavy Vehicle Access Policy to ensure access decisions remain responsive to changing markets, emerging technologies and the increasing freight task.

TfNSW said the udpated NSW Heavy Vehicle Access Policy, originally released in 2018, features a new strategic approach to heavy vehicle access in the state.

It said significant improvements in heavy vehicle access have been achieved, including unlocking key freight routes and greater access for higher productivity vehicles.

The draft policy sets out five policy pillars to enable a future focused freight network:

1. Agile and resilient networks

2. Innovative vehicles

3. Streamlined access

4. Telematics and data

5. Strong partnerships.

The policy also sets out:

Proposed access priorities and Performance Based Standards (PBS) network opportunities.
Networks and access conditions for heavy vehicle classes.
Examples of innovative vehicle design templates.

TfNSW said it has been developed based on research and consultation across industry, agencies, local and state government.

Other industry members can now have their say by completing a short survey here, or uploading a submission on the same page.

Both close on Friday, May 31.

An online workshop on the policy for the general freight industry will also be held on Thursday, May 9, from 11am to 1pm.

To register, click here.


The post Feedback sought on heavy vehicle access issues in NSW appeared first on Big Rigs.

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