Industry News

Government announces six new and improved rest areas for truckies

The Shire of Coolgardie will receive a share of the funding for asphalt surfacing of the truck stop area at the intersection of Bayley Street/Great Eastern Hwy and Ladyloch Road in Coolgardie, WA.
Image: Shire of Coolgardie.

Some new and improved rest areas for truckies are on the way as part of the government’s Heavy Vehicle Rest Area initiative.  

The Australian government has announced six new projects across the country, which will include the construction of new rest areas with facilities such as toilets and picnic areas, resurfacing, line-marking and bitumen sealing. 

The projects are supported by a more than $6.85 million joint investment between the Australian and state, territory and local governments, with the Australian government contributing $5.48 million. 

They are funded through the third tranche of the HVRA, which will provide $140 million in federal funding over 10 years. 

The projects are listed below.  

Buntine Highway, Northern Territory 

Total project cost: $5,000,000 

This nominated project is to seal 5 unsealed Heavy Vehicles Rest Areas on Buntine Highway to sealed standards. These areas are adjacent to sealed sections of the Buntine Highway located at 16.6, 44.0, 60.7, 204.2 and 257.4 km, where 0.0 kilometre is at the intersection with the Victoria Highway.

The two rest areas at 16.6 and 204.2 km are adjacent to a two-lane sealed section of the Buntine Highway. The 3 rest areas at 44.0, 60.7 and 257.4 km are adjacent to 4m to 5m wide single sealed lane that will require widening to provide a safe turning for the heavy vehicles. 

Wollondilly Shire Council – Ted “Greendog” Stevens Truck Parking Bay, New South Wales 

Total project cost: $392,700 

The project will upgrade the heavy vehicle rest area located on Remembrance Driveway, Razorback, NSW, 2571. The project area is 2550.91m2. The project will include design work, then resurfacing of the area with 200mm thick Asphaltic Concrete pavement (i.e. 140mm DG28 and 60mm DG14, R116 spec). A new shelter will also be installed with aluminium tables and chairs. 

Shire of Mukinbudin – Mukinbudin Heavy Vehicle Rest Area, WA.

Total project cost: $83,000 

Construction of ablution block and picnic area for use by heavy vehicle operators.  

Shire of Coolgardie – Asphalt surfacing of Road train / truck stop area at intersection of Bayley Street / Great Eastern Hwy and Ladyloch Road in Coolgardie, WA.  

Total project cost: $990,000 

The project will see the application of a 40mm thick MRWA specification asphalt surfacing to the existing road train / truck stop area covering an area of 18,900m2 including the access crossover from Ladyloch Road. The project also includes application of pavement and line marking to designate areas for movements and parking of road trains and trucks. 

Bourke Shire Council – Construct Heavy Vehicle Rest Area on the Bourke to Milparinka Road at Goonary, NSW.  

Total project cost: $84,000 

The project is to construct an informal sealed pavement Heavy Vehicle Rest Area. The construction will be on the Road Reserve at Goonary on the north side of the carriageway and include gravel pavement and bitumen seal. 

Walcha Council – Pindari Tops Rest Area, NSW.  

Total project cost: $300,000 

Construction of a rest area on Thunderbolts Way 49kms south of Walcha.  

Chair of the Heavy Vehicle Rest Area Steering Committee, Senator Glenn Sterle, said: “These projects are another example of the Australian Government’s Heavy Vehicle Rest Area initiative boosting heavy vehicle user safety and productivity through new and upgraded rest areas. 

“We are steadfast in our commitment to keeping our freight operators and communities safe. 

“These new and upgraded rest stops will help drivers reduce truckie fatigue as they work hard keeping our country moving.” 

It was announced last week that the work of the Steering Committee for the Australian Government’s Heavy Vehicle Rest Area initiative has been extended, with the Committee’s terms of reference updated to extend its work through to 30 June 2025. 

Since 1 July 2024, the Australian Government’s $140 million HVRA initiative to construct and upgrade heavy vehicle rest areas is being delivered through the new Safer Local Roads and Infrastructure Program (SLRIP). 

To deliver this commitment, the government will continue to work with truck drivers and the wider trucking industry through the HVRA Steering Committee. 

The Steering Committee was set up to use the expertise of heavy vehicle industry members to ensure that rest areas delivered under the HVRA initiative achieve the best outcomes for truck drivers. 

The Committee’s main role to date has been to assess the strategic need of applications for funding under the HVRA initiative, you can find out more information here. 


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