Melbourne-based integrated specialised logistics company, Legend Australia, has announced it has won an account on the West Gate Tunnel project.
As part of its contract, Legend will be providing the transportation and storage of the precast materials including parapet, barriers, noise walls and tunnel segments.
Legend anticipates, at the peak of the project, operations will run 24/7, in order to keep the back stack adequately replenished for the tunnel boring machines.
With up to 50 per cent of the loads exceeding concessional mass limits of 42.5 tonnes, the tunnel segment loads will be moved on Legend’s custom A-doubles which have an approved payload of 56.5 tonnes.
To accommodate the higher mass limits the commercial vehicles deployed on the project will primarily consist of Scania R 620 6x4s powered by a Euro 5 DC16 engines.
According to Legend Australia General Manager Troy Eiken fuel usage, manoeuvrability, comfort for drivers and reliability helped determine the preference for commercial vehicles on the project.
This will include some prime movers from Kenworth and Mercedes-Benz.
Already in its infancy the contract is expected to run over the next three years.
Initial indications are for anywhere up to 25 prime movers and over 20 A-Double sets of trailers to be required.
The custom-built trailer fleet is supplied by Vawdrey and MaxiTrans and includes drop deck and flat top skel trailers set up as A-Doubles.
Eiken said Legend were able to secure the contract by engineering modern methods of transport and logistics solutions that increased safety and productivity.
“It means a lot for Legend Australia and Legend globally that we have been awarded this contract,” said Eikan.
“It shows that the policies and procedures that we are continually introducing, work within a Tier 1 environment and it also shows just reward for all the hard work our team are putting in to show the industry an innovative approach to transport and logistics,” he said.