Industry News

Ministers agree on plan for longer, heavier trucks

Australia’s transport ministers have today agreed to the National Transport Commission’s recommendations for longer and heavier trucks.

Ministers discussed the recommendations when they met today Friday June 7, with any increases to truck mass and length to take effect at some time in the future.

“Ministers agreed to recommendations providing access for heavy vehicles that are slightly longer and heavier, subject to adequate safety assurances,” the communiqué released today said.

“Ministers also requested the NTC undertake a review of the adequacy of licensing and accreditation arrangements for heavy vehicle drivers, and report back to the next meeting of ITMM.”.

In its second consultation statement on changes to the Heavy Vehicle National Law, the NTC considered options for:

increasing general mass limits by up to five per cent, effectively replacing concessional mass limits
increasing the length of 19 metre vehicles to 20 metres.

The Heavy Vehicle National Law applies across all states except in Western Australia and the Northern Territory.


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