Industry News

NSW Pacific Highway duplication to improve freight network

The completion of the Pacific Highway duplication at Lisarow, New South Wales is edging closer, and upon completion will provide easier accessibility to key routes for heavy vehicle drivers.

Transport for NSW Regional Director North, Anna Zycki, said the NSW Government was investing $178 million to upgrade the key route between Ourimbah Street and Parsons Road.

“The new intersection, including the installation of traffic signals, will improve safety for road users and ensure easier accessibility to the local road network, which is a huge win for the community and our freight industry,” she said.

“Once completed, the Pacific Highway duplication will improve traffic flow, travel times and safety for the 30,000 motorists who use this 1.6-kilometre section of the Pacific Highway each day.”

Zycki said the new intersection realigned traffic connecting the Pacific Highway directly with Tuggerah Street via traffic signals.

“The project team is continuing work on the second bridge over the rail line, with safety barriers and screens recently installed,” she said.

“Crews have already completed the first half of the new bridge while work is also continuing on the intersection upgrade and traffic lights at Railway Crescent, and we expect to have The Ridgeway intersection upgrade open early next year.”

The Tuggerah Street intersection traffic signals will be operating in a temporary configuration until the full duplication of the Pacific Highway is complete.

The project is expected to be complete with all four lanes of the new bridge open to traffic in late 2023, weather permitting.

In other news, two hundred extra crew workers are helping repair and rebuild New South Wales’ flood-affected road network.

The post NSW Pacific Highway duplication to improve freight network appeared first on Trailer Magazine.

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