Industry News

Owner-drivers were the backbone of the industry, but now they’re treated with disdain

When the roadway keeps going around like you’re driving in a circle, they were called a ‘Will he no’ come back again’ in Scotland.  

Do you get the feeling that 2025 will be another industry ‘Will he no’ come back again’? 

Same initiatives, same people receiving grants, same round table discussions, same junkets, same exorbitant amount of money spent on design, impact statements and research?  For what? More drivers dying than last year, more red tape and higher fines for drivers? 

Nothing is truly bipartisan where the associations and National Transport Commission and other “interested parties” are concerned?

How can it truly be when they each have their own agendas. There is so much compromising that the basic goals of increased safety and fair and equitable trading conditions are overlooked for even more compliance obligations. 

Some might even suggest that its individuals’ egos that get in the way in many instances. There is a lot of pimping and preening from some who crow to all those that will listen that they are sole contributor that made the difference.

The reality is that there were thousands of individuals and hours of consultation to make submissions in the hope that just some of the requested changes to legislative requirements are made.  

You would be excused for thinking that many have no personal relationship because if they carried on personally like they do in a business relationship in the transport industry, it wouldn’t last for long – unless you were made of millions of course… lots can be gotten away with if you have enough money. 

Owner-drivers (OD) were the backbone of the transport industry for years and now they are treated with disdain. Blind Freddy can see at every turn on the road, they are making it harder for an OD to sustain a business. This phenomenon is not just in Australia, it’s worldwide.  

We teach our children to stand up and fight for what they want and their rights, passively or aggressively if necessary. What’s happened to the industry? 

We have had a few individuals that have joined or created organisations over the last 20 years, but for whatever reason they’ve been turned and spurned by many. Is that an ego thing too? If it is, is it on behalf of the individual or the organisation that doesn’t want to upset the proverbial apple cart. 

Grass roots are grass roots and that’s where the fight needs to start and finish. There are plenty of legends on social media – just ask them – that seem to have all the answers, but often those answers don’t take into account the challenges faced by others in the industry – individuals and businesses, large and small.

It doesn’t take into account fluctuating business needs, drivers or business owners who don’t care about the equipment but expect to be paid top dollar despite putting in the bare minimum.  

A wish list for 2025 by Jodie Broadbent and published in a recent Big Rigs column outlines the stupidity of ‘national not being national’ when it comes to lifting defects. The lunacy of that alone makes you want to spin right round and no’ come back. 

How do we get all the bureaucratic red tape, ever-increasing fines, over-the-top safety initiatives, insurance company requirements, walking egos and dogmatic approaches to stop?

How do we get off the “will he no’ come back again” in 2025? 

One thing about we BNHs – we support our driving partner and will never have them spinning in circles. 

They will come back but there will be ‘no’ come back again’ on our watch. 

Bored Neurotic Housewives are a passionate group of truckies’ wives and partners doing their bit to lobby for positive changes in the industry.


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