Industry News

Prospect Highway reopens with improved conditions

The upgraded Prospect Highway has opened today, with one of Western Sydney’s notorious bottlenecks for motorists and heavy vehicles now removed.

The $280 million upgrade, jointly funded and delivered by the Australian and New South Wales Governments, has transformed 3.6 kilometres of the Prospect Highway from an undivided single lane road connection into a modern divided highway with up to six lanes.

The highway is a major route that connects Western Sydney motorists – comprised of 35,000 vehicles and 5,000 trucks per day – with the M4 Motorway, the Great Western Highway, Old Windsor Road and the M2 Motorway.

Due to the highway’s upgrades, motorists are reportedly now saving roughly 20 minutes of travel when crossing through the improved section due to the divided road’s speed limit increase from 60km/h to 70km/h between Reservoir and St Martin’s Crescent.

In addition to the division and smoothening of the Prospect Highway, the upgrade included the addition of two new bridges over the M4 and Great Western Highway, a new link road between the Greater Western Highway and Prospect Highway, multiple upgraded and signalised intersections in the area, a new pedestrian underpass, an upgraded 7.3-kilometre shared user path on the western side and more.

NSW Premier Chris Minns particularly praised the upgrade’s time-saving benefits for the transport industry.

“For truck drivers, time is money,” he said. 

“This upgrade will improve traffic flow for the thousands of trucks that use it every day and boost Western Sydney’s reputation as a place to do business and for families to live.”  

Federal Member for Greenway, Michelle Rowland, expressed her excitement for the upgrade’s completion.  

“Prospect Highway is a crucial connector for our community and is used by tens of thousands of motorists each and every day to access both the M2 and the M4,” she said.

“Upgrading Prospect Highway was vital for motorists in this area but also a great improvement in safety for vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists through the road and shared path improvements it delivers.”

In other news, nine Tasmanian bridges are currently undergoing strengthening works and tenders have opened to strengthen a further 12 bridges as part of a $100 million upgrade to Tasmania’s freight routes.

The post Prospect Highway reopens with improved conditions appeared first on Trailer Magazine.

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