For more than 10 years, I have had the privilege of leading the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator – an organisation which today is barely recognisable to the one when I started in 2014.
When we were first tasked with harmonising a state based heavy vehicle regulatory system to a national one, it was – frankly – a huge challenge.
But, together we have been able to make real improvements that I’m extremely pleased are now having a recognizable positive impact on safety and productivity and are being felt on the front line – where it matters.
Welcoming Queensland into the fold in April 2024 as the final participating state to transition to the NHVR was a major milestone.
As I ready for departure of the organisation that I have steered for over a decade – this achievement along with the evolution of the NHVR into a modern, customer focused, and future-thinking regulator is what I will look back on with pride.
As I reflect on my time, my overarching drive each day was a focus on achieving better safety outcomes for all road users, and especially improving the lives of heavy vehicle drivers and everyone involved in the industry.
To those of you who I have been fortunate enough to meet and work with along the journey, I thank you for your support, your advice, your passion and importantly your frank and robust discussions. All these interactions have helped build a better organisation.
I also want to thank those of you who have personally reached out with such kind words when I announced my upcoming departure.
Many of you have asked what I see as my greatest achievement – an almost impossible question for me to answer.
Along with achieving close to nationwide streamlined services, I’m very proud of my NHVR team – now more than 1000 strong.
Our laser-like customer service and care has led to multiple award wins – and it tells me we are well on the right track to deliver the service you all have been asking for.
But mostly I leave this role with wonderful memories of being in the trenches and witnessing all the changes and progress and innovation – because I love this industry.
It truly captures so many things which make Australia great.
It is the heartbeat which keeps this country moving, and one which – if I’m honest – doesn’t always get the recognition it deserves.
We saw this magnified during those challenging Covid days, as lockdowns and border closures and worker shortages put a national spotlight on how crucial the industry was to everyone’s everyday lives.
It made me enormously proud to see how we came together, and to see how we galvanized our strengths, collaborated, and problem-solved to get the job done.
Being the NHVR’s CEO has been incredibly rewarding professionally – and also personally.
Throughout my tenure I have had the pleasure of meeting people from all walks of life, of all corners of the industry, and it is now time for someone else to have the great privilege I myself have had.
I depart my role as CEO of the NHVR on January 24 feeling enormously proud of all we have achieved together and feeling incredibly positive about the exciting future to come.
I thank you and wish you a successful 2025.
As always, stay safe.
The post Sal Petroccitto looks back with pride as he says goodbye to NHVR appeared first on Big Rigs.