Industry News

Tasmania Bass Highway upgrade advances

Work on Tasmania’s Monateric Road Project was recently completed as part of the $280 million Bass Highway upgrade between Marrawah and Launceston.

The Monateric Road Project – one of five priority projects recently completed – has delivered new east-bound and west-bound overtaking lanes at Wiltshire, enabling the safe passing of slow-moving vehicles in either direction.

The Tasmanian Government said the Bass Highway is an important route for freight moving between the far north west of Tasmania through Burnie and Devonport, and onto Launceston and Hobart.

“The Bass Highway is the artery connecting the communities of the West Coast and North West to the rest of the state, which is why we are investing record funding into road upgrades,” said Premier Jeremy Rockliff.

As part of the major works program, nine projects were delivered in 2021-22, including:

Junction improvements to Gates Road;
Realignment of Myalla Road junction;
Two overtaking lanes near Dallas Road and Monateric Road; and
Junction improvements at Mella Road and Dunn Street.

A further three projects are expected to be completed by the end of 2023/early 2024:

An overtaking lane near Morris Road;
Widening of the Highway at Togari; and
Completion of the Tollymore Road Project.

In other news, Government representatives, regulators and experts from the transport industry will be addressing the issues of skills and training at the VTA State Conference 2023.

The post Tasmania Bass Highway upgrade advances appeared first on Trailer Magazine.

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