Industry News

The Ability to Operate at High Masses

Regulating more than one million heavy vehicles across our roads, Australia sets the standard as a global leader in transport regulation. Underpinning our regulatory environment are systems like Smart OBM and the telematics monitoring application (TMA), which provide the ability to operate at high masses across Australia’s vast road network.

While the regulatory system is important, the business benefits these tools provide can’t be overlooked. They allow operations at higher mass limits and on a larger number of roads, while also improving productivity, reducing maintenance costs, and creating a safer and more efficient road network.

Data-driven insights

The transition to Smart OBM and TMA is a crucial step towards national regulatory harmonisation and allows for cross-border efficiencies. As Anthony Laras, Teletrac Navman’s National Manager for Transport, explains, these systems give operators the ability to move more with less, which means the truck is now generating more revenue while saving on fuel, driver hours and maintenance costs.

“It means fewer trips for drivers, fewer truck movements, less CO2 emissions, less tire wear and tear, greater profit and enhanced safety,” he says.

Smart OBM, with the integration of digital scales, can take readings directly from each of the vehicle’s axle groups to assure the business that the vehicle is compliant while maximising payload opportunities.

Operators can plan more efficient routes at higher mass ratings, resulting in the ability to deliver loads more efficiently and better understand driving hours, equating to lower overall operating costs.

On the other hand, TMA provides a flexible and cost-effective approach to managing heavy vehicle access to roads that might otherwise be restricted using telematics. It monitors parameters including the location, time and identity of enrolled vehicles.

Together, Smart OBM and TMA work hand in hand to assure access, safety and efficiency for heavy vehicles using Australia’s road network.

Yet, innovation continues to drive the industry, especially with video telematics. Teletrac Navman’s IQ Camera is a TCA-type approved device that can be utilised by operators within the TMA program. This solution helps with the data-driven insights operators need to maximise safety and efficiency.

It works together with AI and TN360 infrastructure to provide real-time data on driver and truck performance. If a driver is exceeding the speed limit or engaging in harsh manoeuvring, braking, or following too closely, the driver will receive verbal prompts to modify their behaviour, while fleet managers will be notified in real-time, allowing them to coach the driver.

The transition to TMA – Australia leads the world

Since the inception of the Intelligent Access Program (IAP), state road managers have been pushing to transition to Smart OBM and TMA to help remove barriers to entry and help the industry take advantage of these programs’ benefits.

TMA and Smart OBM work together to make Australia’s roads safer and provide authorities with the data needed to ensure road maintenance on the infrastructure used most.

For operators, the benefits are simple: greater road network access and operating at higher mass limits, meaning few trips, and having access to a greater number of roads, reducing drive time, and boosting efficiency while lowering cost. For some, it could also unlock the use of vehicle configurations that previously weren’t permitted.

Talk to your Teletrac Navman representative about how you can harness the power of Smart OBM and TMA to improve the safety and efficiency of your fleet.


For more stories like ‘The Ability to Operate at High Masses’ – see below



The Ability to Operate at High Masses appeared first on Power Torque.


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