Industry News

Undercover truck stop inspector: ‘Plenty of good healthy choices here’

Truckies’ advocate Wes Walker is getting a little tired of hearing that there aren’t enough healthy food choices and good facilities for drivers while on the road.

So, now he’s won the long battle to win truckies permanent toilets at the Gatton road train assembly area, he’s set his sights on critiquing the truck stops and roadhouses in the wider South East Queensland region to see how they measure up.

To kick off the series of spot checks, this week the pull-no-punches campaigner drops by the BP Logan Motorway Travel Centre at Larapinta unannounced to see how they rate.

Here’s what he found out.

Food choices

Wes reckons there’s no excuse for not eating well at this BP. Image: Wes Walker

“There are plenty of good healthy choices here,” said an impressed Wes, who tucked into a $7 toasted chicken and cheese sandwich while he perused the salad-packed cabinets and wide array of healthy drink options.

“There’s no excuse for truckies here. They don’t need to eat crap.
“A lot of the time, it’s a case of poor choices, poor health.”
Wes also hears that BP is planning to bolster the healthy food choices in the wider network in coming weeks with bigger kitchens and freshly cooked meals.

“Red Rooster in there also provides chicken meals with potatoes, pumpkin and peas so there’s no need to get the junk.

“There’s so many options, even a vegan could get a decent meal in there.”

Lounge area

Although slightly worse for wear in places, Wes gave the lounge the thumbs up. Image: Wes Walker

Wes was impressed with the overall cleanliness – and the fact they also had a pile of this week’s Big Rigs displayed in a prominent spot for drivers.

He did point out some dirt on the floor – but staff were quick to acknowledge and take action – and overall said the area was in good shape considering the traffic it gets.


The toilet and overall bathroom facilities couldn’t be faulted when Wes stopped by. Image: Wes Walker

Again, for the volume of drivers coming through here, Wes said he couldn’t fault the bathroom amenities when he stopped by early on a week-day afternoon.


“I don’t think you could get much better in a service centre, apart from getting these idiots to stop parking up anywhere here. They have plenty of staff and polite staff. Overall, I’ll give them a 9 out of 10.”


The post Undercover truck stop inspector: ‘Plenty of good healthy choices here’ appeared first on Big Rigs.

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