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Updated alignment for Sturt Highway bypass around Truro

The updated alignment for the Sturt Highway bypass around Truro in South Australia, developed following consultation with the local community, has now been released.

Local feedback received centred around issues such as access, infrastructure and geography. As a result, access will be provided to and along the bypass where possible at several key points.

The updated preferred alignment includes the following improvements:

shifting the alignment closer to the existing Sturt Highway near the quarry
three new overtaking lanes (two westbound and one eastbound)
maintaining connection with the Lavender Federation Trail for pedestrian access
maintaining access where practically possible along the existing Sturt Highway for safe agricultural and machinery movements.

Feedback highlighted the importance of maintaining safe access to and along the bypass. The preferred alignment has maintained existing access arrangements where practically possible, noting that fewer crossing points along the bypass increases safety and efficiency.

The alignment also incorporates alternative routes for machinery and stock movement and access to properties from the Sturt Highway.

Works for the Truro Bypass Project are expected to commence in 2023, and be completed in 2025, weather permitting.

“A realigned Sturt Highway will allow heavy vehicles to bypass Truro, improving safety and amenity for residents and visitors. It will also improve freight efficiency as demand for the Sturt Highway to cater for larger freight vehicles increases,” said a media statement from the state government.

The Australian and South Australian Governments have committed $202 million (80:20) to the project.

Meanwhile, community information sessions on the bypass will be held later this month:

Wednesday, October 19, between 2-3.30pm, and again between 5.30-7pm, at the Truro Oval.

For information on how to register to attend, visit the website.


The post Updated alignment for Sturt Highway bypass around Truro appeared first on Big Rigs.

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