Industry News

Work to begin on key freight bridge over Murray River

The second stage of works to strengthen this heritage-listed bridge, that serves as a key Murray River crossing, will begin work this month.

The Tooleybuc Bridge was first constructed in 1924 and continues to serve as a critical link for communities and freight access across the Murray River.

Following community feedback, upgrades to the bridge will start next week on Monday August 12, continuing for five weeks through to Friday September 13, between 7am and 4pm.

The day work will enable crews to carry out essential work to set-up the site.

Night closures will be in place from 8pm to 4am, Sunday night to Friday mornings from Sunday September 15 to Friday November 8, weather permitting.

Another week of day work to disable the site will be carried out from Monday November 11 to Friday November 15.

Transport for NSW regional director south, Cassandra Ffrench, said the second stage of work is needed to strengthen the bridge to ensure it remains safe.

Work will include the removal of the truss support structure, known as ‘Baileys’. To strengthen the bridge structure, they’ll be replaced with large steel beams.

“Just like we did with stage one, we consulted with the community on their preferred option ahead of this important work to reduce the impacts to residents, businesses and visitors,” Ffrench said.

“More than 50 community members provided feedback through either our online survey, email, our face-to-face community session and follow-up door knock with 98 per cent of respondents favouring night work.

“The community wants to ensure that the school buses are not impacted, they want to keep the bridge open during the day and for as long as possible into the evening, and to keep the bridge open at weekends.”

While work is carried out, traffic control and reduced speed limits of 40 km/h will be in place. There will be intermittent closures of the bridge, with some delays of up to 20 minutes while heavy machinery is in operation.


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